Aims of the Project GreenSkills4VET
Working on learning material/concepts for ESD in vocational education: education for
sustainable development is only partially anchored in vocational curricula.
In most of the curricula skills and competences are commonly orientated according to the
traditional environment learning.
The concept of Education of Sustainable Development (ESD) goes far beyond this.
The formulated “shaping competence” (Gestaltungskompetenz) as an integrated approach
of ecological, economic and social skills (coherence principle of ESD) requires a substantial
expansion of vocational curricula (company and school).
It also implies the urgent need to integrate overall (macro, meso and micro level) economic and business knowledge and skills.
Climate protection and energy turnaround occupies a central role here.
The urgent need to rethink the general social awareness and action in the professional habitus requires new forms of organization of educational content and learning.
It also requires a new sense of responsibility. Development of Open Educational Resources
(OER) in the context of ESD:
The digitalization of the everyday life and working environment was forced by a rapid development in the last five years.
Open Educational Resources are not only a challenge to implement digital learning material
but also to open sharing educational resources to and for everybody (democratizing education).
Learners are able to create learning material on a collaborative basis.

Official webpage
Copyright @ aspetepatras 2016-2018

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